
Resolve Your Concerns

First Steps is committed to providing each child/family with quality services. It is very important to us to make sure families have the opportunity to share feedback as needed. Certainly, we want to know if there is any situation that has caused concern. While most concerns can be resolved by discussing the matter with the person (s) directly involved, there may be situations in which the issue is not resolved in this manner.

Families may notify us at any time of an issue when they believe they were mistreated, received incorrect information or unsatisfactory service. You may use the form below to submit your concerns if you wish to have 1st Kids Leadership investigate your concern.

Please be aware that under special education law, families have the right to request formal resolution of disputes. Please see A Family’s Guide to Procedural Safeguards and/or speak with your Service Coordinator to learn more about accessing the formal dispute resolution options for written State complaints, mediation requests, and due process complaints. You are not required to attempt to resolve issues directly with 1st Kids to access your right to formal dispute resolution options; however, 1st Kids is committed to working with you to resolve issues submitted directly to us through the form below.

First Steps

When submitting a concern e-mail please provide the following information:

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
First Steps